My mother (deceased). I like these pictures because I can see some of
myself and my siblings in her:
I thought this was my Mom, but aunt Jeanie corrected
me. Mom and Aunt Sharon sure do look a lot alike. They have almost
the same birthday, but my mom was the oldest girl and Sharon is the youngest
girl. This is Aunt Sharon holding me:
My father, Roger (deceased), with Mom and me:
Mom in her air force uniform in 1985:
Mom, me, Crystal, and my friend Cheryl at Mom's wedding to Robert Sr.:
Crystal, Robert and I:
My late Grandmother with Crystal, Robert, DJ, and me:
Around the time of my mother's funeral. We weren't as happy as we were
acting. From left: Me, Crystal, Grandma, Stella, DJ, Ben, and
Robert. (DJ, Ben, and Stella are my double-first cousins.):