Seminole Indian Powwow
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Gator Wresting
Fire Dance
Aztec dancers
Aztec Dancer
Aztec Dancer 2

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Unfortunately, I didn't have a camera with me when three friends and I traveled to Hollywood, FL for the Seminole Indian Powwow Spring 2002.  All these pics came from my friend Lisa.

The first pic is of a professional gator wrestler.  His wife and he travel the country to perform at powwows:

People walk around Powwows with exotic (to most people) animals such as hawks and wolves.  This is my friend Martha, standing with a hawk trainer:

The rest of the pictures are of a family who travel the world performing the ancient dances of their ancestors, the Aztecs of Central America.  The first pic features the father of the family performing the sacred fire dance:

Here is the mother and her eldest daughter, waiting to perform:

The middle and youngest daughters pose to show their costumes as their older sister describes the meaning and function of each color and material to the audience: