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A Real Man
Learning to Play My Mother's Guitar

I've wanted to be an author since I began reading avidly in elementary school.  I have yet to complete a novel, or a memoir, though I've started both.  Here I will leave some of my most recent poetry.  My short stories are too big.

A Real Man is a poem inspired by the Seminole Indian Powwow and by the knowledge gleaned from my Native American Studies minor.

Bastion was inspired by my days as a tomboy.  It was an assigned poem.

Buoyant was inspired by my memory of the summer my family went to the beach every weekend.  The first version had my dad in it too, but my poetry teacher said there were too many people in it already.  I managed to work my sister back in anyway.  The poem also reflects the change I began to feel as I overcame depression for the first time.

Confession was written in less than a minute, inspired by a childhood memory.  (For reference, most poems take me 5 to 10 minutes for a first draft and then days or weeks of revision.)

Econlochatchee was an assigned poem that really sucked when I first turned it in, but improved so drastically that I actually almost like it now.

Virginia was inspired by the land behind Grandma Sink's house.

Learning to Play My Mother's Guitar was written 8 September 2003 after a few weeks of teaching myself guitar and submitted as my first workshop piece for my Advanced Poetry Workshop.